DMR Tier I & II
FOR NEW G2, G3, G4, OR G5 DEVICES: Add this item into your cart on the same order as your pager. DMR will automatically be added to your new pager before being shipped to you.
1. Purchase this DMR Upgrade
2. Fill out **NEW** G-Series DMR Upgrade Request Form and follow instructions
DMR upgrades are completed at Unication USA’s Arlington TX location. Please note that DEVICE MUST BE SHIPPED TO OUR TEXAS FACILITY TO BE UPDATED. You will NOT receive any virtual/downloadable file for DMR. You are responsible for the cost of shipping your device in to our Texas facility to be upgraded. Unication USA will cover the cost of return shipping.
Turn-Around Time: Our goal is to update and return units within 3-7 business days of the date they are received at our facility. For the quickest turnaround time, please add the SERIAL NUMBER in the order section on checkout or send an email to orderconfirmation@unication.com with the serial number of the pager and order number. Customers will receive a confirmation email with return tracking information upon completion.
Model Number: If the model number of your G-Series P25 Voice Pager includes the number "67" (example: G5B67BF-SXUCEN1301UNI), your pager already has DMR installed.
To find your model number, navigate to the "Information" screen on your device.
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